Initially we wanted to write smth very fashionable and hipster-like, e.g. “What is marketing? Evidently any myth needs actualizing, but…” But with such a text we would sound too greedy. It is quite clear to everyone that the money that we did not manage to earn in the 90s will still not be earned in the 00s.
That’s why we decided to share the truth.
Since 1995 we have been involved in various business projects. We sold wine, jewellery and other products. Then came books, radio, TV, Internet projects…
Besides our main activity, which was sales, all this time we had to deal with a bulk of relevant issues: marketing, promotion concepts, development strategies, branding.
Of course at the beginning someone did this job for us. When the first real money was earned we started hiring creative bureaus and PR companies. We even had a contract with a consulting agency (wow! Wow!).
These brave ladies and gents brought into our life many cool terms: opinion makers, branding, outsourcing, motivation, guideline, BTL and ATL. Together with this they unloaded our company budgets for sums that were no way equivalent to linguistic apprenticeship.
Having learned the main commandments of Russian marketing – “offered creative ideas should not necessarily correspond with the client’s expectations” and “yo've got EBITDA and I have marketing MBI” we thought we should better do everything ourselves. And we did so. From PowerPoint presentations to public events. From brand creation to detailed promotion strategy. The one that boosts sales but not the marketing department.
Then our friends contacted us asking for help, then appeared the friends’ friends. At a certain moment we faced so many requests that we established a company to create ideas and bring them to life. And this did bring profit. Both to us and to our friends.
This is it. At the end of such a text they usually write stamped client teasers about misson, principles, high performance and philosophy but you probably read a hundred of them.
We have no desire to think out the #101. Anyway the best #101 thing was the Depeche Mode album (this is a fat hint at our sophisticated music taste, we also need to mention that we read good books and that we are passionate watches of Californication and South Park).
To sum up – you are welcome! If we like each other we will certainly end up with another genius media project.
And follow each other on twitter of course.